Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Many students have their favorite teachers sometimes students like their teacher because the student like the subject like computer or math  and they like there teacher because of there attitude.My idol is very nice a good teacher and gives as guidance as we study he is very funny and has a lot of sense of humor.We usually don`t listen to him when he gives as a job but he still believe in us and trust as that we can do it even if we did not listen because of our action he gets a lot of complains from our section because of our attitude late submission of reply slip and other more stuff that our section do but even though he gets a lot complain he still loves our section….My idols is a CLE teacher and he is also the adviser of our section HS 2 Steadfastness his name is sir.bads he is one of my favorite teacher and also one of my idol.I also have another idol she is also a  very nice and a good teacher she is very beautiful and she is really great at teaching her name is mis.adel espiritu and she is my science teacher.

My Fantasy

I want to have a good life by having good health and being able to graduate in collage and I also want to have a good job like being a doctor or maybe a pilot.       
I just want a simple life that has a loving and caring family and I wish that I may see my other relatives especially In other country like United States of America.
I also wish that my country the Philippines will be one of the most beautiful country and every child in this country will be able to study so everyone can have a job.
I need to live longer because I want to help see what will it be like in the future.


Hello my name is Josh Dominic A. Bolinao but you can call me josh,my birthday is on april 20 1997 and I like to play chess,bastketball,badminton and computer games.
I study in Bloomfield Academy and My hobbies are playing with friends,reading books,watching tv and visiting other places.I usually love to go out with friends but
Sometimes I just like to be alone and take a long nap.I really love to play computer games but I usually focus on my studies so when reach 4th year it will be easy for
Me to find a good school when I reach college.I want to be like my mother because she is kind,smart,helpful and caring but I am more like my father who is very
Noisy,lazy but has a big heart.


Some people say that love is bind and other people say that love hurts but for me love is a emotion that shows that you have feelings for someone or you care for that person who you truly love.
Almost everybody knows that they can show that they love someone by giving them chocolate,flowers,gifts and other items that there love ones will surely remember them for a  long time.
Others intend to show that they love someone on valentine`s day because that is the day for giving love to someone you really like.
Love is gift from God that why we should really cherish the moments with are love ones because we are showing love for God every time we show love to are love one..
So before you love someone make sure that the person is really the one that will give you happiness to your life so the both of you will be happy for a long time.
Leaving your love ones and going to another person will really hurt them a lot because  you will just leave the person who loves you because you  saw a better looking or smarter person than him or her.
That why before you choose the person you will love pick the one who will really love you for who you are,what you are,and even where you as long as that person loves you just the way you are………

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Find as much Y you can find