Sunday, March 20, 2011

my fav pc game

All of us have there own favorite computer games like dragonica,gandchase and other online or lan games but for me my favorite computer game is DOTA.
DOTA can be played lan with your friends or online with other player on the net,DOTA is a game that requires strategy and skill in the game you have to have garena or garena messenger in order to play DOTA online and you would need the game frozen throne to have the map of DOTA if you want to try the game.
DOTA requires fast hand and fast thinking if you want to survive the enemy you must be always aware of the map and me ready at anytime to attack or defend your base.
I like the game DOTA because its very fun to play especially when your playing with your friends but don`t let computer games affect your studies you must always remember that studying is always more important tham playing computer games.
I would like to recommend to all of the DOTA players that we should not put our lives in this game because there will be a time that you would have regrets because you gave your life for DOTA. 

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